table of contents:
A Walk in the Woods
One Wrong Turn
Before You know it
5000 Miles of Dirt
It will dry and fall off
Composed from 2007 to 2009. This is my first piece specifically written on and for the seven string classical guitar. It started out with ‘5000 Miles of Dirt’ in the fall of 2007 after returning from a short trip to Europe. I would describe this as a sound poem of sorts, a frozen improvisation. It started out with the two chords from the beginning and just kept developing – but not along the lines of functional harmony instead going for what sounded nice and interesting. Only this movement has been recorded so far.
For two years I was trying to gather material for additional movements to create a little suite. Nothing would surface. In the summer of 2009 some small sketches finally set things in motion and within a few weeks I completed the five part suite. Of all the movements the third is the most structured as it starts out in a fuge-ish way.
The titles of the movements express the sequence of what happened on that walk through the woods in southern Germany in 2007 on which I got lost for a few hours and finally came back to grandma’s house with lots of dirt on my new boots.